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HomeWorld 2 Complex 7.4.3
Games > PC
318.82 MB

HomeWorld 2 Complex 7.4.3
+0 / -0 (0)

Aug 7, 2009

Complex 7.4.3 is a mod for HomeWorld 2

Currently uploading because can not download any were else right now.


well this is just a mod, but homeworld was a crazy RPG in space. IIRC it was a mod of half life, and came out around the same time as system shock 2; but homeworld wasn't a horror RPG, just sci-fi.
Homeworld 2, is a RTS. This is just a mod tho, NOT the game. Srsly guys wiki >.>
this mod is probably best out there, although with any hw2 mod the basic memory leak is still present. its petty graphic intense for such a old game. But its the only really good space rts out.
massive thx for the upload on this i have 7.2 but couldn't find 7.3 or later.
they somehow managed to get rid of lot of the lag! nice!... Juggernauts big Big BIG explosions :D
is this a safe mod i downloaded a complex mod and it gave me a virus and i dont want another one plz some one tell me is it safe and do i have to get patchs for it if i can just play the mod with out the patchs can some one tell me im using a xp do i have to us patchs and can someone help me get the patchs